Sunday, August 17, 2008


An on-going argument between myself, my father, and our youth pastor is that of sanctinasium versus cathedral or chapel. So, just to stir up a little trouble: my side of the argument.

First of all, what is a sanctinasium? A santinasium is a strange mix of sanctuary and gymnasium. It is a sanctuary that has thin, gym floor carpeting, basketball hoops, and portable chairs - no pews. Some see it as mainly functional, since it houses both church youth activities and church services. However, I see it much differently.

I see a "sanctinasium" as pure disrespect. Shoving God into a box. There is nothing wrong with a "youth center" or something else like that, even within the church, provided it is a tool used to reach others. However, there is no way that God would've allowed a basketball to even enter the Holy of Holies in the temple. So why allow it in the sanctuary? Of all places in a church, the sanctuary, the altar, is the place where God dwells, and the place that deserves the most respect.

It's true, the altar is just a bunch of two-by-fours nailed together, sanded, and finished. However, the symbolism behind the altar, that it is the place of God's great presence, the place where He can be reached, is so important, and very few people see it as such. They feel that since God is omnipresent, the exact place and style does not matter at all. However, this is undoubtedly not true.

God should be respected. Respected more than anyone or anything. And a sanctinasium is, without a doubt, very, very disrespectful.